Subject: Illinois

Biometric Data Privacy: Why Illinois Regulation Is Relevant to Manufacturers Nationwide


Our federal system and the often dysfunctional nature of Congress can be vexing for cutting-edge manufacturers. Emerging technologies are rarely addressed at the federal level, leaving states to pass piecemeal regulations that can frustrate even the most attentive compliance officers. If you’re bringing a product to market nationwide, you need to be aware of which states have the most stringent regulations. When it comes to biometrics, Illinois tops that list.

The Illinois Biometric Information Protection Act (BIPA) generally is considered the most stringent in the United States, and lawmakers in Florida and New York City are currently working on passing similar measures. So just what is the current state of biometric data privacy in Illinois? The answer lies in three rather unexpected topics: roller coasters, robot dogs, and pizza.

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Alternative Medical Cause Arguments Require Supporting Defense Expert Testimony in Illinois


A recent Appellate Court opinion in a premises liability case alleging back pain has the potential to be a pain in the neck for defense lawyers seeking to argue for possible alternative causes of plaintiff’s injuries in a personal injury cases in Illinois. In Campbell v. Autenreib,  109 N.E.3d 332 (2018), the Fifth District held that testimony about the potential alternative causes of plaintiff’s injuries elicited through cross-examination of the plaintiff’s treating physician was too speculative to be admitted in the absence of any defense expert testimony supporting the alternative causes. This opinion expands on the Illinois Supreme Court’s opinion in Voykin v. Estate of DeBoer, 192 Ill. 2d 49 (2000), which held that in most cases defendants must present expert testimony about the relevance of a prior injury or medical condition in a personal injury case.

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