Subject: Legislation

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is Here and It’s Time to Register With a Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO)


As Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) kicks off across the U.S., manufacturers should be mindful of sustainability claims, especially related to packaging materials and recycling. EPR reporting will generate significant, publicly available data, which could potentially be used in greenwashing claims against covered producers.

To read the full article, visit the Faegre Drinker website.

Michigan Repeals Pharma Immunity Provision


Michigan recently signed into law a repeal of the immunity provision under its Product Liability Act, presenting a new litigation risk in Michigan for pharmaceutical companies. The provision had granted near-complete immunity to pharma for the past 30 years, as the only of its kind nationwide.  Michigan’s new law—Senate Bill 410 (SB 410)—removes this immunity, leaving intact a rebuttable presumption of non-liability and caps on non-economic damages.

SB 410 goes into effect on February 13, 2024, and is likely non-retroactive, meaning alleged injuries would have to occur after that date for the new law to apply.  Commentators predict increased Michigan litigation relating to opioid use, insulin price gouging, and Medicaid fraud.

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EU Reaches Legislative Deal on Proposed ‘Digital Age’ Updates to Product Liability Directive


Last week, the European Union made a significant breakthrough towards its goal of overhauling the 40-year-old Product Liability Directive for the demands of the “digital” age and modern economy. To amend the directive, the elected European Parliament and the European Council (comprised of government representatives of the 28 member states) must agree on final language and separately pass the draft legislation through their respective bodies. After extensive legislative efforts and negotiations, the European Council (currently led by the Government of Spain) and the European Parliament issued press releases announcing that they have reached a political agreement regarding the proposed updates to the directive.

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Pressure is Rising: Continued Moves to Ban or Limit Natural Gas Appliances


We continue to track litigation and legislations involving proposed or enacted bans or limitations on natural gas appliances. As anticipated, this area continues to evolve, and we are finding increased litigation regarding the enforceability of such laws, as well as the safety of natural gas appliances. We previously discussed the efforts to electrify America’s natural gas infrastructure in various markets here. This article provides updates and explains several nuances to these electrification efforts.

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