Subject: Colorado

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is Here and It’s Time to Register With a Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO)


As Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) kicks off across the U.S., manufacturers should be mindful of sustainability claims, especially related to packaging materials and recycling. EPR reporting will generate significant, publicly available data, which could potentially be used in greenwashing claims against covered producers.

To read the full article, visit the Faegre Drinker website.

Tenth Circuit Affirms Dismissal of Pet Food False Ad Proposed Class Action


The Tenth Circuit recently affirmed dismissal of a proposed class action against a dog food manufacturer, finding that the putative class claims were nonactionable puffery and overly subjective.

In Renfro, et al. v. Champion Petfoods USA, Inc., et al., No. 20-1274, pet owner plaintiffs brought a proposed class action against Champion Petfoods alleging that the packaging for some of its dog food brands were false and misleading. Specifically, plaintiffs asserted claims for violation of the Colorado Consumer Protection Act, breach of express and implied warranty, fraudulent misrepresentation, fraudulent concealment, unjust enrichment, and negligence.

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